Training Manual Translation

Manuals of various categories are often prime candidates for translation services. Training manuals are one type of document we received from time to time for translation.

Training manuals are generally defined as “a collection of instructions, designed to improve the quality of a performed task.” Training manuals are widely used by organizations including those commercial, medical, non-profit, and the military. In most cases the need for translation of training manuals originates in the private sector.

Translators typically have various specializations and which allows us to assign the most optimally suited translator to each project.

Training manual FAQs

Q: How long does it take to translate training manuals?

A: Training manual translation project schedules scale with the length of the manual. On average professional translators competently process around 2500 words per day. At our company a second linguist then reviews the first translator’s work as a quality control measure.

Q: What types of training manuals (e.g., subject matter) do you translate?

A: In most cases we have a selection of professional linguists in the various languages available to assign project to. Translators often have various specializations which allows us to assign the most optimally suited translator to each project.

training manual translation

Q: How are training manual translation project priced?

A: Training manual project are priced according to the number of words. Each target language has an established per word rate. Discounts are applied according to projects for considerations such as repetition and volume.

Q: Are training manual documents delivered formatted and ready-to-use?

A: Unless a client specifies otherwise translated document are translated with existing formatting retained so that finished training manuals are ready-to-use immediately after delivery.

Q: What is the process for receiving a quote for translation of training manuals?

A: To receive a quote for translation of training manuals you can attach and email the file(s) to us at Please specify the target language for translation. For documents too large to email they can be uploaded at:

