5 Things Translation Agencies Want from Translators

For translators that want to work with agencies, give them these things and you’ll gain their undying love.

1. Quick responses to emails especially when a client is involved. Project pursuits are among the highest urgencies. The difference between securing a project and not can be a matter of a few minutes.

2. Do everything you say you’ll do. If a client has a special request and a translator agrees to it then make sure it gets done.

3. Ask questions mid-project when it’s necessary. Agencies don’t mind requesting clarification from clients if it means greater client satisfaction at project conclusion.

4. A professional relationship. You may never meet face to face but your agency contact still wants to know something about you. In the end they mainly want to know they can count on you.

5. Match their pricing strategy. Different agencies have different pricing structures. Up and coming agencies are often leaner operations with tighter margins. They’re either working to differentiate their services in other more sustainable ways, or still trying to identify a long term strategy. Established agencies may work with clients that have special requirements and are willing to pay a premium. Translators should do their research and align their pricing approach with target agencies.



